In-car Ethernet Enters the Road

In-car Ethernet Enters the Road

MOST150 offers automotive Ethernet in addition to infotainment.

MOST(R) Cooperation Releases Automotive Ethernet into Series Production

The MOST Cooperation (MOSTCO) – the standardization organization for the leading automotive multimedia network Media Oriented Systems Transport (MOST) – proudly announces that automotive Ethernet via MOST is now making its way into the car and onto the roads. „With the current MOST150 rollout, the MOST Cooperation is adding the transmission of Ethernet protocol data to the established MOST infotainment transport of audio and video within the car,“ explained Dr. Christian Thiel, MOST Cooperation Administrator. „Thus, the Ethernet Channel of MOST150 is equivalent to an IEEE802.x network. MOST150 combines Ethernet technology with a networking technology that was designed to meet the stringent automotive requirements. MOST provides the ideal network backbone for a broad variety of IP-based applications such as supporting apps on connected services and Internet access in general.“

The MOST network technology is extremely flexible, allowing star, daisy-chain, tree, and other topologies implemented on different physical layers such as POF (plastic optical fiber) and electrical physical layers: coax and shielded or unshielded twisted pair (STP/UTP) copper wires. The coax standard has recently been specified to serve other vehicle domains, i.e. it fits into the driver assistance domain, as this physical layer is able to provide bi-directional communication and power supply on the same cable. Regarding content protection, HDCP (High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection) has been added in addition to DTCP (Digital Transport Content Protection). With these, MOST fulfills the present and will fulfill foreseeable future copy protection requirements for upcoming rights management and copy control systems.

Bandwidth for Ethernet transport exceeds 100 Mbit/s

The MOST Ethernet Channel provides the necessary infrastructure to implement all necessary protocols and mechanisms such as the Internet Protocol (IP), the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), or the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) which are required to support Internet access in a distributed infotainment system. Simultaneously, MOST maintains other essential communication features, such as synchronous and isochronous channels for easy and efficient audio and video streaming. The MOST150 network provides an efficient and easy to use solution for transmitting IP traffic. Investigations on the throughput with the maximum bandwidth allocated for the packet channel proved that a net bandwidth of over 107 Mbit/s can be achieved, showing that the maximum bandwidth of 142.8 Mbit/s can be utilized with efficiency of over 75 percent.

Image source: MOST Cooperation

Über die MOST Cooperation

Die MOST Cooperation (MOSTCO) ist die Organisation, welche die MOST Technologie standardisiert und weiterentwickelt, damit sie weiterhin stets die neuesten Anforderungen der Industrie erfüllt. 2012 umfasst die Kooperation 16 internationale Automobilhersteller und über 60 Hauptzulieferer. Die Mitgliedsunternehmen haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um die MOST Technologie einzusetzen und zu ihrer Innovation beizutragen. Anfangs für die Übertragung von Infotainmentdaten in Fahrzeugen konzipiert, erweitert sich das Einsatzgebiet des Netzwerkes heute auch auf die Unterhaltungselektronik. Das Ziel der MOST Cooperation ist es, die Technologie auch für andere Industrien zu entwickeln und zu standardisieren sowie die entsprechende Infrastruktur zu schaffen. Derzeit ist MOST weltweit in über 115 Fahrzeugmodellen der innovativsten und zukunftsorientierten Automobilhersteller implementiert. Die MOST Cooperation wurde 1998 gegründet, um die MOST Technologie als globalen Standard für Multimedianetzwerke zu standardisieren. Audi, BMW, Daimler, HARMAN und SMSC bilden als sogenannte Partner das Steering Committee der MOST Cooperation. Weitere Informationen stehen unter zur Verfügung.

MOST Cooperation
Mandy Ahlendorf
Bannwaldallee 48
76185 Karlsruhe
08151 55500911

Mandy Ahlendorf
Maximilianstraße 8
82319 Starnberg
08151 555009 11