„AN ICO YOU CAN BANK ON“ – Pre-Sale extended due to great interest
The healthbank cooperative’s health platform is extending its pre-sale due to strong investor interest and the associated due diligence negotiations. healthbank is therefore postponing the start of the public sale of its Security Token Offering (STO) until the end of February 2019, in order to be able to process the numerous new contacts.
Karsten Stampa, COO and CFO of healthbank in Baar, is delighted: „We are thrilled with the immense interest of investors in healthbank and our innovative way of modern financing with a security token. We are convinced that the model of a neutral and independent health data platform is not only a model for Switzerland, but for the whole world. At healthbank, not only does their data belong to the user, but the company belongs to the used as well, which clearly distinguishes us from our competitors. In addition, healthbank sees itself clearly strengthened by the approach of a solid and tested form of financing comparable to a digital IPO“, (on the level of a financial market prospectus) explains Stampa.
healthbank: Governance for the people, by the people
The Swiss health database platform healthbank is revolutionizing the way in which personal health data is stored, used, exchanged and shared for fair rewards. healthbank operates the world’s most advanced health data platform as a Swiss cooperative that allows users to have full control and access to health data. This means that the user can decide for himself whether this health data can then be shared with doctors, hospitals and research institutions by means of authorisation. And it also means that the user – or more precisely the member of the healthbank cooperative – can decide what happens with company itself.
In the near future, healthbank’s goal is to offer the possibility of using personal health data anytime and anywhere, „not only at home, but also, for example, on holiday or when travelling on business,“ explains Stampa. The data would be urgently needed, especially in remote locations in the event of illness, and would thus help to understand people’s medical history quickly and easily and therefore improve the quality of care, no matter where in the world it takes place.
STO from healthbank
In order to finance the further growth of the company, the Board of Directors of healthbank decided six months ago to carry out a Security Token Offering. In the current pre-sale phase, the interest of investors from Switzerland and abroad was so great that it became necessary to extend this phase and postpone the public sale date to the first quarter of 2019 (28.02.2019 to 31.05.2019). „In order to be able to conduct the necessary discussions with the many interested parties in a serious manner, we need more time and have therefore have decided to extend the pre-sale phase until the end of February 2019,“ explains CFO Stampa.
Acording to Stampa, the reason for the great interest is that healthbank is implementing modern financing via an STO. A security token is represented by the company’s equity, so-called share certificates, which gives an investor more security – similar to a share in a company. This point is particularly important for regulatory authorities, which is why healthbank sought contact with the relevant authorities at an early stage and had this compliance checked. The healthbank documents are therefore – in contrast to the ICO and STO environment – also based on the quality and informative value of a financial market prospectus.
These „tokenised“ share certificates of the healthbank cooperative will in future be listed and tradable at various trading centres. „We are currently in negotiations on which the already existing or emerging trading venues in Switzerland and abroad we will be listed,“ Stampa continues.
By investing in a healthbank security token, every individual has the opportunity to benefit from the growing value of the healthbank ecosystem. A commitment to healthbank is an investment in a market-proven company and can thus contribute to the success of a neutral and independent health data ecosystem. In addition, an investor benefits from the long-term success of healthbank. „The healthbank STO strategy thus differs from most of the existing ICO processes worldwide, in that it pursues a long-term perspective linked to a solid asset and this combined with a sustainable business model,“ says Stampa.
With the security token financing, healthbank can expand its model to other countries worldwide. „This will enable us to export our future model. The healthbank cooperative is based in Switzerland and enables users to share their data with other partners in a secure and data protection-compliant manner. healthbank connects data sources of all kinds from the entire health sector and rewards participants for sharing their health data for research purposes as well. For various reasons (including legislation), local operating companies are also operated in the respective countries. „In this way, we can transport the philosophy and values of the Swiss cooperative to these countries and allow the healthbank ecosystem to grow rapidly worldwide,“ says Stampa.
Link: Whitepaper:
About healthbank
healthbank is the world’s first people-owned, neutral and independent health data transaction platform that enables people to share their data with other partners in a secure and privacy-compliant manner. healthbank connects data sources of all kinds from the entire health sector and rewards participants for sharing their health data for research purposes. Based in Switzerland, healthbank stands for Swiss neutrality, trust and data protection and enables participating citizens, researchers and organisations with large amounts of data to network with each other. This enables the value of health and medical data to be optimally exploited on this independent, global health platform. healthbank promotes innovations in health care, from prevention to cure, at a more reasonable price and better quality for the benefit of the individual and society
Über healthbank
healthbank ist die weltweit erste bürgereigene, neutrale und unabhängige Gesundheitsdaten-Transaktionsplattform, die es Menschen ermöglicht, ihre Daten auf sichere und datenschutzkonforme Art und Weise mit anderen Partnern zu teilen. healthbank verbindet Datenquellen aller Art aus dem gesamten Gesundheitsbereich und belohnt Teilnehmer, ihre Gesund-heitsdaten für Forschungszwecke zu teilen. Mit Sitz in der Schweiz steht healthbank für schweizerische Neutralität, Ver-trauen und Datenschutz und ermöglicht es den teilnehmenden Bürgern, Forschern und Organisationen mit grossen Daten-mengen sich miteinander zu vernetzen. Damit kann der Wert von Gesundheits- und medizinischen Daten auf dieser unab-hängigen, globalen Gesundheitsplattform optimal erschlossen werden. healthbank fördert Innovationen im Gesundheits-wesen, von der Prävention bis zur Heilung, zu einem angemesseneren Preis und besserer Qualität für das Wohl des Ein-zelnen und der Gesellschaft. www.healthbank.coop
Pauline Geniets
Blegistrasse 17a
6340 Baar
Phone: +41 44 202 61 60
E-Mail: press@healthbank.coop
Url: http://www.healthbank.coop
Roger Huber
Gartenstrasse 36
8002 Zürich
Phone: +41 44 202 61 60
E-Mail: roger.huber@huber-media.ch
Url: http://www.healthbank.coop
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