healthbank joins 4Generations Project at Elementa Day School Neuheim

4Generations is an intergenerational project involving students, innovative technology companies and the elderly

healthbank, a cooperative organization that offers a safe, secure and compliant ecosystem to store, manage and exchange personal health data, is announcing that it is participating in the 4Generations project at Elementa Day School in Neuheim, Switzerland.

4Generations is an intergenerational project involving students in levels 5 and 6, innovative technology companies and the elderly. The project is supported by Generation 65 Plus and helps students learn modern skills such as programming, while also giving the elderly an opportunity to learn from youth about the latest innovations.

„There is a shortage of skilled workers in the information, communications, and technology (ICT) sector and we believe that to counteract this we should start educating students about these topics early,“ said Monica Roth, CEO of Elementa Day School.

„With technology advancing so quickly, it“s easy for people to fall behind if they do not make a true effort to understand all the fantastic tools that we have available to us today. healthbank is proud to be participating in this great initiative,“ said Daniela Gunz, Director of Research Partnerships for healthbank. „All of the technologies that were selected for this project are truly making people“s lives better and opening up new opportunities for those in the later stages of life to lead their lives more autonomously.“

The number of people in the world over the age of 60 is expected to more than double by 2050 and more than triple by 2100. This means that 962 million individuals in 2017 could grow to as much as 3.1 billion by 2100.

„We asked healthbank to join the project because the product can help people to live a better life. Health costs are growing and more and more people living longer,“ explains Ulrike Liebert, CEO of Generation 65 Plus. „This and other factors are having a tremendous impact on the cost of healthcare, but technology is enabling us to better overcome these challenges.“ Throughout the world, living independently in the later stages of life is becoming increasingly prelevant.

healthbank enables users to own and control their own health records while providing continuity in record data that is not always possible with traditional, siloed or paper-based systems. Health data can also be integrated from multiple sources, including from wearable technology into the total picture of health.

„The main stakeholder, the patient, normally has no active role in how their health data is managed. We are changing this – and we believe that the older generations should also be empowered with these kinds of tools,“ added Daniela Gunz.

Press contact healthbank
healthbank innovation AG
Pauline Geniets
Blegistrasse 17a, CH-6340 Baar
Tel. +41 (0) 41 552 24 00
Generation 65 Plus develops concepts on the basis of existing solutions that measurably help people in the third phase of life to live longer autonomously and self-determinedly. In doing so, the company accesses innovations that are at the market entry stage. The strength lies in the integration of all relevant stakeholders, which in some projects means that people from all 4 phases of life are involved. Generation 65 Plus is based in Switzerland but is active throughout Europe, not least due to its active membership in the network of the European Innovation Partnership of Active and Healthy Aging and the continuous exchange with the European AAL programme.

Ulrike Liebert
0041 79 28 79 755

Über healthbank
healthbank ist die weltweit erste bürgereigene, neutrale und unabhängige Gesundheitsdaten-Transaktionsplattform, die es Menschen ermöglicht, ihre Daten auf sichere und datenschutzkonforme Art und Weise mit anderen Partnern zu teilen. healthbank verbindet Datenquellen aller Art aus dem gesamten Gesundheitsbereich und belohnt Teilnehmer, ihre Gesund-heitsdaten für Forschungszwecke zu teilen. Mit Sitz in der Schweiz steht healthbank für schweizerische Neutralität, Ver-trauen und Datenschutz und ermöglicht es den teilnehmenden Bürgern, Forschern und Organisationen mit grossen Daten-mengen sich miteinander zu vernetzen. Damit kann der Wert von Gesundheits- und medizinischen Daten auf dieser unab-hängigen, globalen Gesundheitsplattform optimal erschlossen werden. healthbank fördert Innovationen im Gesundheits-wesen, von der Prävention bis zur Heilung, zu einem angemesseneren Preis und besserer Qualität für das Wohl des Ein-zelnen und der Gesellschaft.

Pauline Geniets
Blegistrasse 17a
6340 Baar
Phone: +41 44 202 61 60

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