Prime Minister Sharif visits Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel

Prime Minister Sharif visits Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel

Signing ceremony for the establishment of a Special Economic Zone in Pakistan.

Signing ceremony for two ground-breaking Memorandum of Understandings to promote cooperation regarding renewable energy and to establish a Special Economic Zone for German companies in Karachi.

Berlin, November 10th and 11th: Honorary Consul Dr. Pantelis Christian Poetis, CEO of POWERGROUP and President of G.A.T.E. to Pakistan e.V., signs agreement to establish a Special Economic Zone in Pakistan under the approval of His Excellency Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

After several months of negotiations, the efforts by CEO of POWERGROUP, Dr. Poetis, have been rewarded. On the occasion of Pakistani Prime Minister“s visit to Germany not only the political and military situation in Pakistan were discussed during meetings with Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, but also a solid foundation was laid to accelerate the German-Pakistani economic relations.

In his function as initiator and President of G.A.T.E. to Pakistan e.V., Dr. Poetis signed one of the two Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) with the Pakistani Army Welfare Trust, represented by board member Major General Muhammad Farooq, under the approval of the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

His Excellency Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif expressed his satisfaction in regards to the signing of the MoU and the initiative from Munich: „On a international scale, Pakistan has a very friendly atmosphere for investors and enables high returns,“ so the Prime Minister in Berlin.

In a next step, the Army Welfare Trust provides an area of 500 acres near the port of Karachi, which is one of the most important logistic hubs in the region. Dr. Poetis explains: „Pakistan is not only an important trading partner; the city of Karachi develops to become a mega-hub in the region“s future.“

The economic area will be developed and completed for German companies and investors offering a 10-year tax holiday as well as duty-free import of produced goods to Germany and the EU. At the same time it will be guaranteed that in addition to high quality productions, training and vocational centres for employees will be developed to German quality standards and to prevent child labour. Furthermore, the Army Welfare Trust assures infrastructure and transport routes, independent power supply as well as security in the entire Special Economic Zone. Major General Muhammad Farooq points out: „We, the Army Welfare Trust as one of the biggest businesses in Pakistan, want to open the Pakistani market for German companies and investors.“

The POWERASIA unit of the POWERGROUP GmbH and G.A.T.E. to Pakistan e.V. ensure the involvement of German partners and in particular the strategic planning for expanding the Special Economic Zone into a leading production and logistics centre for German companies in the region.

At the end of two exciting and successful days in Berlin, Dr. Poetis states: „There is a lot to do, let“s get going!“

For more information

G. A. T. E. to Pakistan e.V.

Zweck von G.A.T.E. to Pakistan e.V. ist die Förderung der Völkerverständigung und des beiderseitigen kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Austauschs sowie die Förderung der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Islamischen Republik Pakistan. Der Verein hat insbesondere folgende Ziele:
a) die deutsch-pakistanische Freundschaft zu fördern,
b) die Bürger Deutschlands und Pakistans hinreichend und objektiv über die beide Seiten interessierenden Herausforderungen, Fragen und Geschehnisse zu unterrichten,
c) Beziehungen auf den Gebieten der Kultur, Wissenschaft und Forschung zu fördern,
d) Beziehungen in Hinblick auf Projekte der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit unter anderem in den Bereichen Gesundheit und Infrasturktur zu fördern und zu intensivieren.
Die gemeinnützige Organisation G.A.T.E. to Pakistan e.V. steht unter der Schirmherrschaft der deutschen Botschaft in Islamabad und des deutschen Generalkonsulats Karachi in Pakistan und wird unterstützt durch das Auswärtige Amt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, den pakistanischen diplomatischen Vertretungen in Deutschland und dem Board of Investment Pakistan. G.A.T.E. to Pakistan e.V. kooperiert mit den in Pakistan bestehenden Wirtschaftsorganisationen German Pakistan Trade and Invest (GPTI) sowie dem Pakistan German Business Forum (PGBF).

G. A. T. E. to Pakistan e.V.
Murad Mehmood
Habenschadenstraße 13
82049 Pullach
+49 89 75 90 05 0
+49 89 75 90 05 75